About Me

Hello there! I am a Caribbean-American currently residing in the Philadelphia Area. Through my use of various mediums, I hope to give a deep, insightful perspective about the life he has been given to me on this planet, and about what fascinates me the most. 

Personally, I tend to write the most about one word: history. It is a topic that fits under every experience we, as a people, have in our lives. Of course, when one first sees the term history, visions of conquest and political diplomacy immediately come to mind, but this is not always the case. History can be so much more. From the time that you wake up, when you observe your Aloe vera sunbathing on the windowsill, all of it is history. As a result of this flexibility, my writing can be very unpredictable. I consider this to be also an advantage, as I am not afraid to venture out of my bed and seek new places to explore and perfect my art.

Feel free to contact me at: matt.ridley1996@gmail.com

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