Friday, January 3, 2014

Black Magic

{Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.}

Weak & broken in this bed: I revert
       back into the womb; the lights,
       Apollo & all his sons & daughters,
       extinguished by the nocturnal shade.

{Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.}

In the security of these assorted charms,
       pump out adrenaline
       in surges:
·         uneven mountain trails outline my spinal cord &
·         migraines received like text messages as I am given the signal:
                                    “this is it.”

{Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.}

Out of the box,
       a layer of duppies
       s  p  r  e  a  d  s
       out the arena:
              past memory, vying
              for connections to my wavelengths;
              they feed on my empathy in abundance;
              their last supper did not supply them well.

{Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.}

Just like voodoo,
       my irises open the floodgates of
       blackened holy water; bring forth
       flashbacks that have been suppressed
       for the good of my nation & of self.

{Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.}

As I die for many decades
      mending my impaired mind, I look up
      to the ceiling and become immortal: forever,
             [in this static space.]


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